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Karate helps builds confidence, self discipline, flexibility, strength, endurance, agility, balance and coordination - all while teaching students how to defend themselves and others.  Perhaps even more importantly, it is an effective means of building character while harmonizing body, mind and art.


Japan Karate Do Ryobu-Kai (JKR) teaches a form of traditional karate called Shindo Jinen Ryu, which has roots that reach back to the 16th century.  Shindo Jinen Ryu is one of the original Japanese styles of karate, and one of the very first to be recognized officially.

In addition to the punches, strikes and kicks commonly associated with karate, Shindo Jinen Ryu incorporates joint locks, throws, and takedowns, making it a particularly well-rounded martial art. Training within JKR is founded on traditional methods, stressing discipline, dedication, and hard work, with an added emphasis on philosophy and education.

JKR was founded by Sensei Yasuhiro Konishi, 10th dan, and developed by his son, Yasuhiro (Takehiro) Konishi, 10th Dan. JKR branches are located all over the world and were led by Sensei Kiyoshi Yamazaki, 9th dan, who served as Kaicho (President), International Director, Chief Instructor, and Deputy Soke until his passing in 2023. 


Kaicho Yamazaki was supported by the JKR International Yudanshakai Executive Council (IYEC) beginning in 2014, and since his death, worldwide leadership of JKR has passed to the IYEC.  Sensei Howard High, 7th dan, currently serves as IYEC Chairman, and Sensei Paul Belle Isle, 7th dan, is presently Vice Chairman.

Sensei Yasuhiro Konishi, founder of Shindo Jinen Ryu karate.

Soke Yasuhiro Konishi

Soke Konishi II and Kaicho Yamazaki







martial arts    martial art

© Copyright 2024 Japan Karate Do Ryobu-Kai New England, The Mishima Company and Plan 9 Media. All rights reserved.

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